Fiberglass Structural Shapes, FRP Beams & Channels

Fiberglass Structural Shapes

For corrosive conditions, Enduro fiberglass (FRP/GRP) structural shapes, beams, and channels can provide superior long-term performance compared to steel or aluminum sections.

Our fiberglass structural shapes include Tuff Span™ flanged tube beams, which are designed for use as primary and secondary framing in buildings with long span and high load requirements. The corrosion resistant sections utilize shape, glass fiber reinforcing, and manufacturing process in its design to optimize structural properties and cost.

Our line of fiberglass shapes also include fiberglass channel, angle, tube, wide flange, and flat sheet sections. The sections are offered in corrosion resistant vinyl ester or iso-polyester resin with UL Class 1 flame spread rating of 25 or less per ASTM E84.

To learn more about our FRP beam and channel, please contact us or download the Enduro Tuff Span™ Structural Shapes Catalog.

Download Enduro Structural Shapes Catalog

Fiberglass Beam & Channel Uses

    • Long span roof, wall, & tank cover beams
    • Primary building structures
    • Baffle wall columns
    • Cooling tower structure
    • Variety of cable management systems and support

Enduro Tuff Span™ Fiberglass Beam & Channel Features

    • Corrosion resistant
    • Fire retardant
    • High strength FRP
    • Non-conductive
    • Class 1 flame spread rating of 25 or less
    • Life cycle cost savings
    • Long, maintenance-free life

Enduro Tuff Span™ FRP Beam & Channel Resources