Fiberglass (FRP) Trough & Launder Trough Systems


Engineered for high loads and corrosion resistance, FRP launder troughs by Enduro Composites give operators a superior, low maintenance structure to regulate and move fluids efficiently through treatment processes.

Custom designed for round or rectangular tanks, the fiberglass launder troughs provide important value for water and wastewater operations:

  • Exceptional strength & stiffness
  • Custom built to suit application
  • Corrosion resistance & UV protection
  • Long, maintenance-free, service life
  • Efficient fluid flow

Fiberglass Water Troughs Provide Outstanding Strength & Corrosion Resistance

50% stronger than conventional 1/4” units, Enduro reinforced plastic troughs are built with laminated layers of 24 oz. woven roving throughout. Its glass fiber reinforcing content and alignment produces outstanding rigidity and the ability to support higher loads with minimal deflection.

For increased lateral stability, its laminate construction can include embedded steel or FRP angles at the sides or bottom in addition to the internal core of end-grain balsa, foam, or structural polypropylene panels. Material thickness is increased to 150% in critical areas such as flanges, closed blind ends, support connections, etc. for compliance with AWWA requirements.

Enduro fiberglass troughs are designed with premium, corrosion-resistant and UV protected resins, woven roving reinforcing, stiffening flanges, spacer rods, and slip joint or flanged connections.


Launder Trough System and Use Versatility

Enduro Launder Trough Systems are custom manufactured for a wide range of applications. Options include: 1) Variety of sizes and configurations; 2) Flat, round, or “V” shaped bottoms; 3) Circular, straight, or finger weir shapes; and 4) design to fit round, square, or rectangular tanks.


For influent or effluent applications, troughs are used in a variety of processes including grit separation, aeration, settling basins, primary and secondary clarifiers, sludge thickening, and gravity filter backwash tanks.

Enduro trough systems are furnished complete with FRP, stainless or galvanized steel supports, FRP weirs and scum baffles, FRP effluent outlet boxes, spacer rods, and include a full complement of stainless steel fasteners and anchors.

Quality Assurance & Certifications

Troughs are NSF-61 approved for drinking water use and manufactured to ANSI/AWWA F101-13 Standard for Contact-Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Wash-Water Troughs, and Launders. Enduro FRP products are manufactured under an ISO 9001 Certified Quality Assurance program to ensure outstanding performance for water and wastewater operations.

To learn more about our fiberglass launder trough systems, please contact us or download the Enduro Fiberglass Launder Trough Systems Data Sheet.

Download Launder Trough Data Sheet

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