Fiberglass (FRP) Agricultural Panels & Cladding

Premium Agricultural Cladding & Liner Panels
Lower Life Cycle Cost & Better Appearance
Owners of agricultural and industrial buildings love the outstanding service and life cycle cost savings DuroSpan™ building panels deliver. The maintenance free, FRP cladding and liner panels from Enduro Composites dramatically improve facilities and work conditions.

Panels with Superior Strength
Leak Protection, Less Fasteners, Low Cost Installation
DuroSpan™ glass fiber reinforced plastic panels are much stronger than PVC, polycarbonate, or chopped strand materials. With high content of continuous glass fiber reinforcements, aligned for optimum performance, the panels have superior strength and stiffness. This results in leak protection, fewer fasteners, and lower installation cost.
Corrosion Resistance + UV Protection
Long Service Life & No Maintenance
DuroSpan™ agricultural materials do not corrode in facilities with animal by-products, wet, or industrial conditions. The premium, UV stabilized polyester resin ensures long service life and retention of aesthetic properties. For exterior cladding, UV Coating Protection is offered with minimal added cost. The material’s light reflectant, high gloss finish resists marking and scratches.
Panel Product Options
Opaque or Translucent Panels, Easy to Clean Smooth Finish
Agricultural panels are available in a wide range of opaque colors. The panels are also furnished in translucent colors with natural light transmitting properties. Shallow rib panels are offered for liner applications with deeper profiles available for exterior and higher load conditions. Finish options include: smooth or embossed on exterior side with “easy to clean” smooth finish on the interior side.
Agricultural Applications
Roofing and Siding, Liner Panels, Daylighting Panels
For more information about Enduro FRP Agricultural Building Panels, please contact us or download the FRP Agricultural Building Panels data sheet.