Fiberglass (FRP) Baffle Wall

Enduro Aquaspan™ fiberglass (FRP/GRP) baffle wall systems are specifically designed for potable water and wastewater treatment flow control. Baffle walls control the flow of water and increase residence time while partition walls separate zones or enhance mixing. Our baffle and partition walls are pre-engineered and composed of fiberglass panels, angles, and framing members.
With a superior combination of strength and corrosion resistance, Enduro baffle wall systems offer industry-leading design flexibility and light weight making them an excellent choice for both new projects and retrofits.
All Enduro baffle wall systems are certified per NSF/ANSI Standard 61 for processing of potable water.
Enduro offers two different fiberglass baffle wall options:
- AquaspanTM – ‘H’ Series Baffle Wall: The strongest FRP baffle wall available, the ‘H’ Series Baffle and Enduro’s innovative SlideGuide assembly system have a proven track record in water and wastewater treatment.
- AquaspanTM – ‘D’ Series Baffle Wall: Designed for bolted installations, the ‘D’ Baffle is a cost effective, high strength-to-weight ratio option to effectively address rigidity and other structural requirements
To learn more about our baffle walls and partition walls, please contact us or download the Enduro FRP Water & Wastewater Systems Catalog.
Fiberglass Baffle Wall Uses
- Municipal & industrial applications
- Potable water treatment
- Retrofit basins
Enduro Fiberglass Baffle Wall Features
- Design flexibility
- Available in solid or perforated design
- Corrosion resistant
- East installation
- Access doors available
- High strength
- Life cycle cost savings
- Customizable solution
- UL certified to ANSI NSF 061
Enduro Wastewater Baffle Wall Resources
Enduro FRP Baffle Wall D Series Specification: PDF Format
Enduro FRP Baffle Wall D Series Specification: Word Format
Enduro FRP Baffle Wall H Series Bolted Specification: PDF Format
Enduro FRP Baffle Wall H Series Bolted Specification: Word Format
Enduro FRP Baffle Wall H Series Slide Guide Specification: PDF Format
Enduro FRP Baffle Wall H Series Slide Guide Specification: Word Format